9anime is a free streaming service that allows customers to watch and download anime series and movies at no cost. Dubbed or subtitled, all shows are available in multiple languages and have varying picture qualities depending on your internet capabilities. But is 9anime too good to be true? The short answer is no. Despite multiple fake websites, the official website does precisely what it offers, free anime. The only downside is the tiresome popup ads that occur. For this, good anti-virus software is recommended. Despite this, 9anime appears to live up to its promise.

9anime Company Information

Official Website:https://9anime.tube/
Headquarters Location:California, United States
Founded: 2016
Industry:Video Streaming Service
ContactEmail: contact@9anime.tube, via the website or social media. 
Trust Score:Good
Social media:Twitter: @9anime.vc, Reddit: r/9anime

What is 9anime?

9anime is a video streaming service specifically dedicated explicitly to streaming anime series and movies for free. They aim to “bring the latest high-quality anime series to all audiences around the world”, offering this for free. 9anime can offer this as the versions of the shows they offer are not licensed. There is a disclaimer on their website, stating that all viewing options and shows are downloaded from third-party viewers and are not stored by 9anime. This means they can avoid copyright laws and sidestep issues of legality. The site offers many shows and movies, allowing viewers to search for specific shows or browse different categories, such as subbed, dubbed, Chinese, and trending. There are also options to watch series that are currently ongoing, allowing viewers to keep up with the latest shows without paying for them.

Is 9anime safe or a scam?

Official Website

The main risk with 9anime is getting the correct website initially. There are many fake websites mirroring the site that could give viewers a virus or potentially steal personal information. The right website is https://9anime.tube,with all others not being official or affiliated with 9anime in any way. On their website, 9anime has a disclaimer explaining that during the first run of the site, they experienced problems allowing others to copy the site. The advice of 9anime is as follows: “to avoid losing your data and get the best out of your online anime streaming experience, you should visit our official website.”


As 9anime does not pay for the copies they stream, there are a lot of questions surrounding the legality of the website. On their website, they have published a statement, saying, “9anime is technically not illegal in the United States”. They avoid breaking copyright laws by not storing any copies on their website. Instead, these are stored on Openload and Google servers. In addition, as the videos are only used for personal consumption, they still adhere to copyright laws, a slight loophole that 9anime can use to their advantage.


When using the website, there are a lot of popup advertisements, there generally being at least two on your screen at any time. 9anime has addressed the many adverts on their site, simply asking that users not click on’ “they are merely ads”. They are, however, a nuisance that continues throughout your use of the website. They are easy to close but will reappear after a short time.

Is 9anime reliable and trustworthy?


Despite the questions of legality surrounding the website, 9anime has received good reviews, achieving a 4.1-star rating on Trustpilot. The website offers an excellent alternative to other websites as it doesn’t ask for any personal information or login details. Although there are many ads on the site, regular visitors to 9anime use AdBlock to prevent the adverts, allowing them to watch anime uninterrupted. The only complaint pertains to the number of adverts; however, anti-virus software and an ad-blocker seem a viable solution to this.

Data Protection

9anime asks for no personal data, no credit card information, and no registration are needed to view any anime. Therefore, there is no need to surrender any personal information. 9anime clearly states that they don’t share data with third-party services while viewers use the site. There have also been no complaints surrounding this. As long as viewers use the official website and don’t click on the pop-up adverts, no data is at risk of being taken or misused. 

Pros and Cons


  • Free access to anime shows which are new, old, and ongoing.
  • No registration is required.
  • Able to download or stream. 


  • Viewers receive a barrage of pop-up adverts.
  • Many copy-cat websites.
  • Questions of legality and morality surrounding copyright law. 

How does 9anime make money?

9anime don’t clearly state how they make money, taking nothing from viewers as there are no subscription charges or fees on series. Their money is earned through the adverts on their website. Although annoying, the adverts are how 9anime makes money. They charge companies to place the adverts on their website. As well as this, they may receive a small commission each time one of their viewers clicks on an advert, generating revenue through the pre-existing adverts and pop-up ads on the 9anime site. Many free streaming services make money this way, turning a profit while offering their viewer’s free services. 

Best Alternatives to 9anime

  • Crunchyroll- offer free service or a premium service with no ads and unlimited access to the library.
  • Funimation- licensed free site or a premium account for ad-free viewing and more.
  • KissAnime- free streaming with adverts.
  • AnimePlanet- free streaming, but an account is required.
  • Chia-Anime- similar to 9anime with more pop-ups. 


How do you spot a copy-cat site?

There are many fake sites out there. Ensure you are using the correct and official 9anime site with the domain of .tube. Recent proxy sites that have become available end with the domains of .to, .city, .zone, .tv, .gg and .live. There are more out there, so it’s advisable to be careful and only to use the official site. It is also advisable to have up-to-date anti-virus technology, just in case.

I can’t find the show I want, what do I do?

If the show you want to view isn’t currently showing on 9anime, there is an easy way to resolve this.  Fill out a request form, and 9anime will seek to get this uploaded for you as soon as possible. This allows viewers to access all the shows they want at no cost to them.

How do I play a video?

Once you have picked a show or film to view, click on the video, and it should play. If it doesn’t work, you can switch to an available server, check your internet connection, or switch browsers. If this doesn’t fix the issue, contact 9anime directly, via email, to resolve the problem. If you experience any other problems with the site, there is some general advice on the website home page or contact 9anime.