Most insurance companies are operating on weekends. On the other hand, if you want to get in touch with an individual agent on the weekend, you probably will not be able to. Since the agents set their hours, not many would work on the weekend. This doesn’t mean that you aren’t able to get insurance on the car you just bought on Saturday. Insurance companies continue to accept claims and initiate new policies on the weekend.

Can you call Progressive on the weekend?

It is possible to call Progressive on the weekend and even on the holidays as their call centers are open 24/7. The same is true for most other insurance companies. That way, if you need to make a claim, change to your policy, or add or remove a person, it will be easy.

Are you able to add someone to your insurance for a weekend?

Most well-known car insurers will not offer temporary insurance for the weekend. However, that doesn’t mean you aren’t able to do so. You can add the person for however long you need to and then cancel that part of the policy so that you aren’t paying for it not to be used. You can also search for temporary insurance to find some that would align with what you need. If you only need it for six months or less, insurance companies offer six-month policies.

Is it illegal to have two insurance policies?

It is not illegal to have two insurance policies. If the same claim is not filed with both insurance companies, you are good to go. There are a lot of factors in which you could have two insurance policies at once. If you are still on your parent’s insurance and your job has you on insurance as well, or if you are married, and your spouse has you on theirs and your job does as well. These are okay and perfectly legal. It also helps to have more than one, especially if one does not cover a certain item or procedure and the other one does.

With car insurance, it is not recommended to have two different policies on the same car. You need to check with the insurance company’s policy before you do anything, just in case it violates it, and you lose your coverage. This does go for any insurance you get as well. That way, you will know what you can and can’t do and will not have any problems in the future due to simple neglect of reading the policy from your insurance.

What do you need to have on hand when beginning an insurance policy?

Car insurance:

  • Make and model of car and vehicle identification number of the cars you are insuring.
  • The names of the drivers of the cars going to be insured.
  • Personal information.
  • Driving history.
  • Background information like your income and if you own a home.

Health insurance:

  • Personal information.
  • Household income.
  • Tax information on how you file your tax returns.
  • Employer and income information.

You can find out more about why you need these things for health insurance here.

Customer service hours and numbers:

Insurance company’s namesHoursPhone number
Progressive24/7 Calls1 (800) 776-4737
Allstate24/7 Calls1 (800) 255-7828
Geico24/7 Calls1(800) 207-7847
Alfa Insurance6am-10pm Mon-Sat1(800) 964-2532
Aflac8am-8pm Eastern time1 (800) 992-3522
State Farm8am-6pm Central time M-F1 (800) 447-4930
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company8am-11pm ET weekdays1 (877) 669-6877


  1. Can you buy auto insurance on the weekend? (Tips + Best Rates)
  2. Car Insurance Places Open On Saturday Or Sunday (2022) (
  3. Do car insurance companies open on weekends? (
  4. Car Insurance Open Today: Everything You Need to Know (
  5. Are Insurance Companies Open Saturday? (
  6. Do car insurance companies open on weekends? (
  7. Can You Have Two Health Insurance Plans? | eHealth Insurance
  8. Can You Have Two Auto Insurance Policies on One Car? (
  9. Information Needed for an Insurance Quote | Allstate
  10. 11896 – Getting Ready to Apply Checklist (