Real estate is a massive industry, and it’s still growing. With all of the new technology that’s being developed and released every day, it can be hard for realtors to keep up with everything that’s out there. That’s where we come in: we’re here to help you build your real estate website without having to worry about all of the technical stuff. We have templates that are easy to use, even if you don’t have any technical experience!

Looking for the best real estate website builder?

Here’s Top 4 Best Real Estate Website Builder

  • Wix
  • Squarespace
  • Weebly
  • (self-hosted)


With Wix, you get all the basics in one place: a free website builder, an online store and a mobile app for your site. For starters, it’s an easy platform to use. The drag-and-drop editing system lets you quickly create pages and move elements around as needed — no coding required. It also has a huge selection of templates that are pre-made with various layouts, colors and fonts already set up for you in order to ensure seamless customization. You can then add different widgets such as videos or images within each template if desired (although some templates have these features built in).

To make things even easier on yourself, Wix offers tons of apps such as newsletters or photo galleries that can be added directly into your site using just their URLs. If those aren’t enough, they also have an extensive marketplace where you can find hundreds more apps to use with no additional cost whatsoever!

If you’re looking for a real estate website builder with the most flexible and powerful templates, Wix is your best option. It offers hundreds of professionally designed templates that can be easily customized with simple drag-and-drop editing tools.

The site also comes with a robust collection of apps that let you create business pages on Facebook, add online booking forms to your site and more.

The downside? You’ll pay more than with other options: For $10 per month or $100 per year, Wix allows you to build up to 3 sites; after that point, it goes up by $10 per month per additional site—not cheap!


Weebly is a popular website builder that makes it easy to create and manage your website. It’s affordable, easy to use and has a large selection of templates and features.

You can choose from hundreds of free, premium or paid templates to build your site with Weebly. The free version comes with 10 built-in themes but you can find more on the marketplace or add them yourself by uploading an HTML file (using FTP).

Weebly has many templates available for free (or at least partially free) in its template library, which features hundreds of designs in various categories such as architecture, business & portfolio and education & non-profit organizations. If none of these are quite right for what you have in mind, there’s always the option of designing your own layout by choosing custom elements such as headers, footers and navigation menus from the “Customize” page within each template category

There are also many apps available for Weebly users – these include: Google Fonts, MailChimp integration (for email marketing), Instagram integration (so people can like your photos) plus many more!

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Squarespace is one of the best website builders for real estate agents. It has an intuitive user experience, with a great selection of templates, and it’s easy to use.

When you’re building your site on Squarespace, you can choose from over 50 different template options—perfect if you want a customized look or are just starting out without much time or money. If you do have time and money to invest in your site design, though, Squarespace makes it easy for even non-designers like me to go crazy with customizing the layout and color scheme any way we want.

Squarespace is a great platform for real estate websites because it’s simple to use and looks great on mobile devices. Plus, Squarespace has an excellent support system that will help you with any issues or questions that come up along the way. The design library features an array of customizable templates created by experts in the industry, so you won’t have trouble finding something perfect for your site! You also have access to SEO tools and other useful features like blogging tools, gallery pages, e-commerce stores and more at no additional charge. The only downside is that their blog posts are not always helpful—but if you need advice on search engine optimization then there are plenty of articles available online


WordPress is the most popular website builder on the internet. It’s free, fast and easy to use, customize and maintain. It has a large community of developers who create plugins for it so you can add anything from a new social network to Google Analytics or even a live chat service. WordPress also has a large number of themes for you to choose from when designing your site. You can find them in the WordPress repository or on their own sites like ThemeForest or Creative Market.

WordPress is also open source which means it can be modified by anyone who wants to do so without having any legal problems with its owners or developers because all modifications are done with permission from them first (or at least they should be). This makes it very flexible when it comes down to building websites because you don’t have any limitations in terms of functionality once your site goes live which tends not be an issue with other CMS systems such as Joomla because they are more focused on providing solutions rather than flexibility through customization options similar like website builders like Wix which offer more bells-and-whistles but less flexibility overall since they’re not fully customizable solutions such as those offered by WordPress itself!

  • WordPress is the best platform for blogs because it’s free, open-source, and has a huge community of developers.
  • WordPress is also great for ecommerce websites because it can handle everything from simple catalogs to full product catalogs with thousands of items and multiple product types.
  • If you want to create a portfolio website, then WordPress will work well for that too—you can use it as your personal blog or even build out a custom design using themes built just for portfolios.
  • The same goes if you need an online store; WordPress has built-in payment processors like PayPal and Stripe so you don’t have to worry about any technical hurdles when setting up an online store through your own domain name (like

Constant Contact Website Builder

The Constant Contact Website Builder is a great tool for real estate agents. It is easy to use and very affordable.

The Constant Contact Website Builder offers many features that are useful to real estate agents, such as:

  • A search engine optimized website that will help your website appear higher in the search results of Google and other search engines like Yahoo! Bing & DuckDuckGo etc., which will help people find you on the internet!
  • The ability to add blog posts, pages and video content onto your site – all of these things will help you be found when searching online.

Wix is the best website builder for real estate sites

Wix is the best website builder for real estate sites because it has the best user interface, SEO integration, design templates, customer support and features.

Wix also has the most integrations of any other website builder. It integrates with all major real estate software providers including:

  • RealtyTrac
  • Zillow Group
  • Redfin

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