Yes, AVG AntiVirus FREE detects and prevent future attacks while scanning and removing all types of malware. AVG Antivirus provides real-time, 24/7 protection against all types of malware.

Malware is any software designed to damage or exploit the functionality of another piece of software or hardware. Malware is a phrase that encompasses viruses, ransomware, spyware, Trojans, and any other sort of code or software having a harmful aim. Viruses, Trojans, spyware, keyloggers, worms, ransomware, adware, scareware, rootkits, cryptominers, and logic bombs are all examples of malware. The classifications are based on how malware operates and spreads. Malware has the ability to exploit weak passwords, infiltrate systems, and proliferate across networks. Malware can also encrypt vital data, bombard you with advertisements, or reroute you to harmful websites. Malware threats can range from data theft to the complete destruction of systems or devices.

How does malware spread?

  • Malware can cause your computer to send emails with infected attachments or links to dangerous websites if your email has been compromised. The virus is placed on the recipient’s machine when they open the attachment or click the link, and the cycle continues.
  • Malware can infect a victim’s contacts by hijacking messaging clients and sending infected attachments or malicious URLs to their contacts.
  • Hackers can include viruses in advertisements and distribute them on popular websites. When you click on an infected ad, malware is downloaded to your device.
  • Scareware is a type of malware that employs phony security alerts to deceive you into installing fraudulent security software, which can include more malware.
  • When a malicious website immediately downloads malware onto your device, this is known as a drive-by download. 
  • This happens automatically as soon as you load the website – no need to click anything. DNS hijacking is a technique used by hackers to automatically reroute you to malicious websites.
  • On their partner’s computer or phone, people occasionally install parental control software. These programs become spyware when they are utilized without the victim’s permission.
  • Hackers can implant malware on USB flash drives and wait for unwary victims to plug them in. This method is frequently employed in business espionage.
  • Exploits are little pieces of code that are written to exploit a security flaw in a piece of software or hardware. A blended threat is a sort of attack that targets numerous vulnerabilities at the same time.

Signs of a malware infection?

Although the world of malware is vast, many varieties of malware exhibit the same warning flags. Keep an eye out for the following signs of a malware attack on your device:

  • Sudden performance drops
  • Frequent crashes and freezing
  • Deleted or corrupted files
  • Lots of pop-up ads
  • Browser redirects
  • Loss of access to files or your entire computer.
  • Weird increase in your system’s Internet activity.
  • Unfamiliar apps installed

How to prevent malware attack

In the case of malware, prevention is preferable to cure. Combine wise online habits with strong anti-malware software like AVG AntiVirus, which detects and prevents malware before it infects your PC, Mac, or mobile device, for best security.