More than 28 million Americans lack health coverage, affecting them physically, mentally, and financially. 

Being uninsured can be stressful for everyone, including those who need care and the healthcare system itself. 

Finding health care doesn’t have to be a hassle. There are a few options available to you so you can get the care you need. 

Health Insurance in a Nutshell

America’s healthcare system doesn’t give health insurance to everyone. However, it is important to have both for medical and financial reasons. Without it, medical bills stack up and you don’t receive the healthcare that you need. 

There are ways to get coverage, but before we dive into that, here are a few things that health coverage can do for those who have it. 

Support For Individuals and Families 

Everyone can use a bit of support. When you have healthcare, you get the support you need to find medical facilities, receive medical services, and get financial relief from expensive visits.  

Improved Access to Medical Services 

People with access to health insurance have more access to health care services. When there is no financial barrier, then more people are willing to seek out medical care. 

study found that those who had coverage had better access to the following: 

  • Behavioral and substance abuse treatment 
  • Preventative care services 
  • A personal doctor or medical care facility 
  • Prescription drug therapies 
  • Mental health services 

Improved Overall Health 

The same study looked at health outcomes for those who had insurance and those who did not. People with health coverage will most likely have better overall health since they have more access to medical services and facilities. 

When Medicaid expanded their coverage, they found: 

  • Decreases in mortality 
  • More individuals in expansion states quit smoking 
  • Lower rates of depression 
  • Great sense of well-being and overall health 

Less Financial Stress 

Health insurance covers hospital visits, emergency surgeries, prescription drugs, medications, preventative care, and doctor visits. 

All of that can add up, especially if you have any underlying health conditions, have dependents, or need prescription medication. Health insurance works to give you a bit of financial relief after you pay for a premium 

Coverage gives you financial protection and physical protection when you go to get professional medical services. That alone is one of the most important factors people look at when getting health insurance. 

How Much Does Health Insurance Cost? 

The cost of insurance isn’t completely set, as it depends on your situation, the type of plan you get, your age, gender, and location. 

However, a rough estimate of how much healthcare is for an individual is typically around $456 and $1,152 for a family per month. 

The costs are due to co-pays, premiums, and deductibles. Co-pays are what is left after your insurance company pays. Premiums are the monthly payment you make to your insurance company and are usually pretty high if you have a low deductible and vice versa. 

Many people can’t get coverage because of how expensive it is. But all hope is not lost! There are a few ways you can still get health care even if you have no access to insurance. 

Ways To Get Healthcare When You Cannot Afford Insurance 

If you cannot afford health insurance, there is some good news! There are still ways you can obtain healthcare. Here’s a breakdown of how you can get the services you need without running your wallet dry. 

Apply For Medicaid 

If you have dependents, looking into Medicaid can be an option for getting health care. If you don’t qualify for Medicaid, you can still get health care coverage for your children through the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). 

Medicaid offers free or low-cost coverage for people who are pregnant, have low incomes or have disabilities. 

It’s a good option if you don’t qualify for any other plans and still gives you basic coverage for medical services. Medicaid has even expanded their coverage and you can see if you qualify for it in your state.  

Apply for Cost Assistance 

The government has attempted to make health care more accessible to everyone. So, you may qualify for lower premiums or premium subsidies. 

The amount you have to pay will depend on your income level. If your income level is between 100 and 400%, you are eligible to receive lowered health coverage costs! 

Use Urgent Care or Other Clinics 

Urgent care centers or other clinics are not as expensive as hospital visits. If you are sick or have an injury, going to the hospital will typically cost more than going to an urgent care facility. 

The cost of treatment for these facilities can sometimes be completely free or depend on your income. It varies based on the facility you go to. 

Get a Diagnosis Over the Phone 

Unless you have a serious illness and need hospitalization, many doctors offer the option of telemedicine. You can get a diagnosis over the phone without having to pay the in-facility co-pays or service fees. 

Some providers offer online and telephone services so you can get access to a doctor at any time. It is not the same as health insurance, but is a cheaper alternative and can still get you the care you need. 

A Quick Recap 

Here’s a quick recap of the main things you should know if you are struggling to digest all the information. 

Health coverage is essential but isn’t always available to everyone. There’s no need to panic, as there are some other options to get you the care you need. 

You can check out your Medicaid options if you have a low income, apply for government assistance, use an urgent care facility or other clinics for a cheaper price, or use telemedicine. 

There’s mostly no way to get health care for free unless you have health insurance. Even then, you would end up with a co-pay. So, your best options are to check if you qualify for government assistance programs like Medicaid or CHIP. 

Health care is a basic need and while it may be costly, there are ways to have access to it that won’t cost you a fortune! 


What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?  

Medicare is offered to people over the age of 65 or people with disabilities. It offers about the same coverage and benefits as Medicaid. However, Medicaid is specifically for people under 65 who have low income or disabilities. 

How do you qualify for Medicaid?  

To see if you qualify for Medicaid, you’ll want to check your state’s website. Typically, Medicaid is offered for people under the age of 65 with low income or disabilities. 

What does Medicaid cover? 

Medicaid benefits vary based on the plan you buy. Typically, they offer coverage for in/out-patient services, doctor services, laboratory or x-rays, prescription drugs, physical therapy, occupational therapy, mental health services, and home health services. 

Will hospitals still see me even if I don’t have insurance? 

Yes! Hospitals are legally required to give medical care to any individual regardless o their insurance or income. Although the medical bills will be greater you will always get access to care at a hospital.