Struggling to recall alphanumerical characters used to set up passwords can sometimes be an arduous task, especially when they are essential to important accounts for your business. So you are left with no other option than to hit the “forgot password” button whenever you forget a password. While searching for solutions that are more effective than your sticky notes and diaries, which are likely to be accessed by hackers, you may want to consider an all-in-one cloud software that saves all your passwords on the go. There are lots of password management software that offers cyber security and password management services. The most popular of them are LastPass and Nordpass. In this article, we will compare LastPass and Nordpass to help you best decide which software is best suitable for your password management solutions.

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Main differences between LastPass and Nordpass

The following are some of the features you may want to consider when using LastPass or Nordpass.

PricingThe premium plan starts at $3 per month.The premium plan starts at $1.38 per month.
StoragePasswords are saved in one app.Passwords are saved separately in the Nord locker app.

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LastPass vs. Nordpass: features and capabilities

Security dashboard and score

With this feature, you can get access to a cybersecurity command center, which will assess your passwords’ security and monitor your accounts for data breaches. This also provides you with a security score, a user-friendly way to gauge if your list is weak and if you’ve reused passwords.

Dark web monitoring

As soon as any of your information is compromised from other accounts, you’ll be notified and directed to change your details.

Emergency access

If you’re currently in a tight spot (while traveling, for example), you might want to allow someone to remotely access your information. With this feature, you can allow them to securely access all your details.

Advanced MFA options

This feature will allow you to take your security to the next level with access to other third-party apps. With multifactor authentication (MFA), you can include more steps to access sensitive information.

Personal tech support. While both Free and Premium packages have access to support, you can request personal help with the latter via email.

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Nordpass features and capabilities

Save passwords with a click

NordPass prompts you to save your passwords every time you log in to a new website or create a new online account and remembers them for later use.

Log in automatically

Want to log in to your favorite accounts? No need to enter your login credentials — NordPass does it for you.

Easily import your passwords

NordPass automatically detects passwords stored in your browsers. Import them instantly or upload a CSV file with the passwords exported from another password manager.

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LastPass vs. NordPass: pricing

The free plan of each software offers you certain features for managing your passwords, but with some restrictions which can only be accessed when using a paid plan.

NordPass premium costs $1.49 per month, while that of LastPass costs $3 per month. While there seems to be a visible difference between both plans, there’s just a slight difference in the family and business plans.

The LastPass family plan starts at $4 per month, which grants access to six individual accounts, and for business teams, the pricing plan is $6. The family package for NordPass starts at $4.99 per month, while the business plan at a rate of $3.59.

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Reasons to choose LastPass over NordPass.

LastPass seems quite expensive compared to NordPass, but it is the leading password management software in the market and also the best option for managing team accounts.

LastPass has the edge over NordPass with the following advantage:


LastPass saves you the time spent to log in, as it automatically auto-fills your information and creates new passwords for you on the go.


LastPass provides the best password suggestions that are safe and more secure. So, they are less likely to be hijacked by hackers.

Password sharing

With LastPass, passwords can be shared amongst groups, teams, and families; rather than shared individually, which would result in typos.

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Reasons to choose NordPass over LastPass.


Unlimited features are available on the NordPass free plan. NordPass offers its users more features and capabilities for free. For instance, users get to autofill their information without necessarily re-inputting passwords. There is password generation, note support, and an unlimited number of passwords in the trial version of NordPass.


NordPass seems to be pocket friendly as compared to LastPass. NordPass premium plans are cheaper as compared to LastPass.

User experience

NordPass is new in the market, but this gives it an edge over its competitors as it is been designed to suit the needs of present-day internet users.

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Similarities between LastPass and NordPass

The primary factor users look out for when sourcing a password management system is the level of security and protection. While LastPass and NordPass offer a high level of security, there are also some similar features these two-software shares. They include:

  • Web monitoring
  • Multiple factor authentication
  • Digital wallets
  • Autofill
  • Password vaults
  • Security dashboard

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Alternatives for LastPass and NordPass

There are numerous competitors in the password management system, and you may want to compare them based on various criteria such as pricing, security, or even user interface. Some of these alternatives include but are not limited to the following:

  • Roboform
  • Keeper
  • Nord VPN
  • 1password
  • Dash lane
  • Enpass
  • Sticky password
  • Zoho vault
  • Teams ID
  • Bitwarden
  • Rippling
  • Keepass
  • Google authenticator
  • Team password
  • G2 deals
  • Log me once
  • Msecure
  • Solarwinds passportal
  • Intuitive password
  • Safeincloud password manager
  • Kaspersky password manager

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LastPass vs. NordPass: final verdict

Both software reviewed in this article (LastPass vs. NordPass) are good security software. However, when placed side by side with present-day users, NordPass would have the highest vote. Not only is NordPass cheaper (which is a good reason why lots of users prefer NordPass) NordPass is built with a good user interface. Also, it is pretty easy to manage and operate as compared to LastPass.

Nordpass may seem relatively new in the password management industry, but they certainly have many prospects to offer in cyber security and managing passwords amongst teams and families.

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What are the pros and cons of LastPass vs. NordPass?

Judging by the comparison made in this article, the pros of both software are visible in their features. Each software has good features as they meet the password security needs of any user. The con only lies in the pricing plans for premium.

Why is my LastPass not auto-filling?

Your LastPass account is not auto-filling because you have not been granted access to the autofill option on your account. Your LastPass account cannot autofill without your permission.

What is LastPass premium?

LastPass premium is a paid plan of the LastPass software which grants users access to more features and capabilities which are not readily available on the free plan.

Can I use LastPass on multiple devices?

LastPass is synced across all devices, which allows for easy usage across multiple devices.

Can my password manager account be hijacked?

The security of your password accounts, either LastPass or NordPass depends on two key factors.

  • The security strength of your master password
  • Enablement of two-factor authenticator

Which is the better password manager, LastPass or NordPass?

As shown by the comparative review in this article, NordPass seems to be a better password manager than LastPass due to some of the following factors: pricing, user experience, etc.

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