If you are reading this, chances are you are looking to take your law firm to the next level. Your next client is probably on the internet searching for a service you provide right now but not quite finding your firm. Through a Law Firm SEO Agency, local billboards and mail inserts will be a far-off thought in the past.

According to the American Bar Association, less than 33 percent of firms with less than 50 lawyers have any internal marketing staff, and the majority of marketing comes from networking on sites like LinkedIn and Twitter. That can change for you by knowing and taking advantage of a Law Firm SEO Agency that is right for you from these Top 10 Law Firm SEO Agencies.

What is a Law Firm SEO Agency?

If you don’t already know, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. An agency specializing in SEO will work with you to make sure every word from your website to your social media accounts will be primed and ready to make it to the top of as many search engines as possible.

While not every Law Firm SEO Agency is suitable for everyone, this TOP 10 list will guide you on your way to putting yourself in front of significantly more clients! Let’s get right into it.

Top 10 Best Law Firm SEO Agencies

  1. Law Rank: Top to bottom website and SEO Optimization
  2. Zola Creative: Website Design & Media Creation with Online Media Placement
  3. Vivial: Experience Across Agencies With Proven Success
  4. Thrive Internet Marketing Agency: One-Stop Full Service Shop
  5. Rankings.io: Specializes in Personal Injury SEO Ranking
  6. Gladiator Law Marketing: Basic, Educational, and Effective
  7. Juris Digital: From Website Creation to SEO
  8. AttorneySync: No Hassle and No Obligation
  9. Directive: Getting You In Front
  10. Azuro Digital: Starting Your New Firm From Scratch

1. LawRank: One Stop Shop For all SEO Needs

Pricing:Min: $1,000
Location:1111 6th Avenue, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92101
Key Clients:Lavent Law, P.A. , Lorenz and Lorenz LLP, Mirman, Markovits, and Landau, PC

LawRank has been around since 2013, tackling the needs of Law Firms everywhere. With their main goal being to “get attorneys on Google’s first page,” LawRank has been delivering just that to their clients.

Starting from scratch, LawRank will build your website, create engaging SEO website articles, steer your social media, and help generate leads through Google Advertising PPC (Pay Per Click). Their site is easy to use and will be an excellent asset for any Law Firm.

2. Zola Creative: A Social Media Approach Taking You to the Top

Pricing:Min: $5,000
Location:10 Harbor Park Drive, Suite 100, Port Washington, NY 11050
Key Clients:Jones Gregg Creehan & Gerace, LLP, Foote, Mielke, Chavez & O’Neil, LLC, Bresky Law

With a team passionate about their work, Zola Creative is a Law Firm SEO Agency that delivers a positive experience for the firm that they are creating for. It is their goal to ensure that you are getting the most visibility using every potential online presence.

From creating graphics and videos, making sure your website is SEO-ready, and search engine PPC to developing your online presence so that your firm’s name comes up all over the internet, Zola Creative is there to meet your every SEO need.

3. Vivial: Delivering Success to All Industries

Pricing:Min: $1,000
Location:3100 Research Blvd., Suite 250 Dayton, OH 45420
Key Clients:Olson Solar Energy, Phoenix Scuba, Model Home Staging

Although Vivial is not exclusively a Law Firm SEO Agency, they make the cut based on their tremendous success across multiple industries. Having been around for over 100 years, Vivial knows what it takes to fight to be the best through every market trend.

Through their detailed website creation, deliberate use of social media platforms for success, online advertising, and taking advantage of local print directories, Vivial bridges the technological gap most firms struggle with when generating new leads.

4. Thrive Internet Marketing Agency: Everything in One Place

Pricing:Min: $1,000
Location:4600 Park Springs Blvd Suite 100 Arlington, TX 76017
Key Clients:Texas Educational Services Inc, Farah Legal, Arlington Trolley

Thrive Internet Marketing Agency is another SEO Agency that offers services across platforms. Still, their experience and dedication to the needs of their customers earn them the number 4 spot on the list.

Boasting a 500% increase in organic traffic and a 300% increase in online leads for the clients, Thrive is dedicated to making sure your business outshines all of the others. They specialize in website design and hosting, search engine marketing, social media presence, and even reach over to eCommerce marketing. Thrive offers what they call, “Proven Success” to your firm.

5. Ranking.io: Specialized For Your Firms Needs

Pricing:Min: $10,000
Location:303 Fountains Parkway Suite 301AFairview Heights, IL 62208
Key Clients:Sibley Dolman Gipe, Gomez Trial Attorneys, The Levin Firm

So confident in their ability to get your firm to the top of the search engines, Ranking.io even encourages you not to use their service unless you are ready for a significant influx of clients. Specializing in Personal Injury SEO, Ranking.io will aggressively take your firm to the next level.

Through content creation, onsite Optimization, local SEO, and link building, Rankio.io strives to make sure firms are fully optimized so that those that need a personal injury lawyer can find you.

6. Gladiator Law Marketing: A Basic Approach to SEO

Pricing:By Consultation
Location:P.O. Box 34 Richmond, KY 40476
Key Clients:Caldwell Wenzel & Asthana, Law Offices of John Colvin, Law Offices of Steven H. Heisler

A small fry among the others, Gladiator Law Marketing, is a Law Firm SEO Agency that does its best to ensure that small and medium firms are not priced out of the market. They are looking out for you.

Through website design, SEO, and PPC advertising, Gladiator Law Marketing creates a custom plan of attack for your firm to create success. They wish to avoid the cookie-cutter approach and give your business exactly what it needs to succeed.

7. Juris Digital: All You Need and More

Pricing:Min: $1,000
Location:1415 Park Ave W Denver, CO 80205
Key Clients:River Run Law Group, PLLC, GJEL Accident Attorneys, Flora Templeton Stuart Lawyers

With their goal being to gain you consistent new clients, Juris Digital focuses on making the process clear and concise so that your Law Firm doesn’t have to focus on all the intricacies of SEO.

On top of the usual SEO, content creating, and website development, Juris Digital focuses on local service ads to take your business to the top in your local market.

8. AttorneySync: A No Obligation Approach to SEO

Pricing:Min: $1,000
Location:400 N May St, Suite 301 Chicago, IL 60642
Key Clients:Baker Law, Bike Law, Michigan Auto Law

With a bold approach, AttorneySync strives to disrupt the status quo to bring your Law Firm to the top. With a highly experienced and dedicated team, their goal is to get your Firm’s name in front of the people that need you.

Not only do they focus on SEO, social media marketing, and PPC advertising, Attorney Sync is a Law Firm SEO Agency that does Client Relationship Management consulting so that you can stick to what you do best; winning.

9. Directive: A Focus on Getting You In Front

Pricing:Min: $5,000
Location:5281 California Ave #240 Irvine, CA 92617
Key Clients:SumoLogic, Cisco, Samsung SDS

With an impressive clientele, Directive has all the social proof you need to be confident in its ability to lead your firm to the top. Although not exclusive to Law Firms, Directive is an SEO Agency with the ability to put their money where their mouth is.

On top of the essential SEO management and PPC advertising, Directive will provide your firm with analytics management and consulting. They want to connect with you so that you are in front of the right people who need you.

10. Azuro Digital: From the Bottom Up

Pricing:Min: $1,000
Location:150 Elgin St #1026 Ottawa, ON K2P 1L4 Canada
Key Clients:ConductLaw, Jackie Persona, CloudRacks

Focusing on visually appealing website design, Azura Digital wants to be there from the start in order to make sure you are getting everything out of your business’s online experience.

One thing that sets Azuro Digital apart as a Law Firm SEO Agency is that they join you from the beginning and will work with you on creating your entire brand, including your logo and feel you want your customers to have when approaching you.

Find the right Law Firm SEO Agency for you and take your business to the top of every search engine.