Live chat apps are now used by companies ranging from large banks to small e-commerce delivery stores to serve their clients better and increase response times.

As a result, it’s no wonder that 33% of customers now expect live chat on every website. However, the live chat app is capable of much more than just delivering simple customer service.

As a result, the advantages of live chat apps have been addressed to demonstrate how chat will positively impact your company.

1. Increase sales and conversions

The ability to boost revenue is the first significant advantage of having a live chat on the website.

According to the American Marketing Association, B2B businesses that use live chat saw a 20% rise in conversions on average.

Prospects and consumers will have concerns about your product or service when visiting your website.

With live chat, you can respond right away – when the customer is already on your blog. You will take the customers by the side and help them resolve objections and make a purchase decision using live chat.

It’s as if you have a live sales assistant on your website. Besides, eMarketer published a study on the effect of live chat on customers.

According to the report, by using live chat, 35% more users make an online purchase.

>>MORE: Small Business Livechat Software

2. Reduce support costs

It’s no secret that customer service is costly. A customer support representative in a typical contact center can manage all phone and email requests. But just one at a time (imagine having to answer two phone calls simultaneously).

Since you can manage several client chats at once, you’ll need a much smaller staff to handle customer service queries, lowering your support costs.

If it isn’t enough to convince you, consider that live chat is more than half the price of managing phone calls.

WP Engine answered more than 90% of all questions and problems within months of releasing live chat on their website, lowering their customer service costs almost instantly.

» MORE: Tools for SaaS: Analytics, Live Chat, Monitoring, and More

3. Build trust with buyers’

When you step into a physical shop, the salesperson has the opportunity to establish a rapport with you.

This aids them in establishing confidence and closing the deal. But you can’t do it online.

Consumers are understandably wary of purchasing goods from strangers. It’s in our essence.

You can have a direct dialog with your customer through live chat, which helps you create confidence and bridge the distance between online and offline transactions.

In the corporate world, trust is highly critical. If a customer probably does not trust you, they would not give you their contact information or personal information.

Ninety percent of consumers said the “Live Chat” button gives them faith that they can get support if they need it, according to an ATG (now Oracle) report into Global Consumer Trends.

You’ll have to work even harder to gain confidence from your website users if you don’t have a live chat.

» MORE: Live Chat Software for E-Commerce

4. Gain a competitive advantage

Providing live chat to your customers is an excellent way to gain a competitive advantage over your rivals.

Telus International surveyed live chat and discovered that many companies are also underutilizing the power of using live chat on their websites.

In reality, according to our live chat survey of 1,000 websites, only 9% use live chat to offer real-time assistance to their customers.

Kick-Off Labs founder Josh Ledgard is a true believer in using live chat support to set yourself apart from the competition.

Josh shared an explanation of how he won a new client by using the live chat app itself. Live chat app acts as a business edge, according to Josh Ledgard.

So, the next time a customer asks how you vary from your rivals, you can use live chat to answer.

You may also deliver live video chat to distinguish yourself further, giving your consumers the in-store experience online.

» MORE: Where To Buy Livechat Software

5. Increase average order value

Not only will live chat help you raise sales, but it will also help you increase the viability of a contract.

Using live chat to connect with the client and understand their interests, you can up-sell and cross-sell complementary products and services to increase the overall order value.

For example, if a customer is looking for a new laptop, a chat agent will respond by recommending a computer that meets their needs.

However, by suggesting a laptop case, a purse, and some other laptop-related accessories, an agent will boost the average order value. Virgin Airlines used live chat to turn their market, according to Internet Retailer.

They used live chat tools to upsell consumers with new items and transform them 3.5 times more frequently, resulting in a 15% rise in average order value.

» MORE: Working Principle Of Livechat

6. Satisfy your customers

Live chat is a fantastic way to enhance customer service and give visitors a memorable experience on your website. Customers enjoy live chat for this purpose.

According to a digital report, live chat has the highest customer satisfaction rate of any customer service platform, with 73%, compared to 61% for email and 44% for the internet.

According to Kirk Parsons, a Senior Director at market research firm J.D. Power, the explanation for live chat’s high satisfaction rate is “the quality and immediacy of the experience.”

Sure, you can have conventional communication methods, but why not connect with your clients through a medium they prefer? You will attract more clients if you do so.

» MORE: Top LiveChat Apps for Websites

7. Keep in contact with visitors

Unfortunately, not every visitor to your website can make a purchase right away. But what happens after a website user leaves? Should you wait and hope that they will return at some time in the future, or do you take action?

You will gather information from people who use live chat to transform them into leads. Before starting a live chat session, inquire about the user’s contact details.

This assists in finding an existing client and allows you to have a more customized service by asking for their name. You now know who the chat person is if they aren’t a client.

As part of your email marketing plan, use this to your benefit and ask them if they’d like to collect news and promotional content.

They might not buy from you right now, but getting their contact details allows you to persuade them that your product is a good match for them over time.

Another advantage of using chat is that 63 percent of customers are more likely to return to a website that provides live chat if they cannot gather contact information the first time.

As a result, rather than dealing with unknown guests, you’ll be conversing with interested prospects.

» MORE: Best Livechat Software For Small Business

8. Improve website experience

When the consumers have a concern, they no longer have to interrupt what they’re doing, pick up the phone, or send a text. Instead, they will speak with a live person who can answer their questions right away.

This is critical, especially when buying or subscribing to goods online. According to Forrester Research, if a consumer can’t get their query answered quickly, 57% of them will drop their order.

Besides, 44 percent of online shoppers consider getting their questions answered by a live person when purchasing. It is one of the most valuable features a website can have, according to the same survey.

Although enhancing the user experience on a website is beneficial, the market advantage is that people who use live chat on a website are three times more likely to make a purchase.

Live chat is commonly seen on the home page and product pages. But, another way to enhance the website experience with live chat is to put it in odd ways, such as 404 pages or deleted pages.

Customers typically depart as they appear on a 404 list. A live chat agent will now assist them in navigating and locating the information they need.


9. Understand your customer needs better

Understanding the customers’ desires and then providing the appropriate response is essential for every marketing strategy or sales operation.

Not only does live chat tech allow you to close a deal right away, but it also allows you to gain insight into your customers’ minds by collecting “Voice of Customer Data.”

VOC data is a market intelligence platform that can help you view your industry from the eyes of your customers.

You can learn their views and attitudes by gathering VOC data, which you can then use to mold product creation, marketing, and how you grow your company.

Reviewing chat transcripts is one way to collect VOC data through live chat. You and your staff will study helpful material such as sentences, expressions, and questions used by buyers. You can also use to improve your content copy to remove worries and doubts.

According to Aberdeen Research, businesses that gather VOC data saw a 10-fold rise in total sales year on year relative to the rest of the industry.


10. Product Feedback

Any tech company’s sustainability depends on customer feedback. It provides feedback on the website’s features, accessibility, and navigation. Live chat will provide you with additional information on some of these topics.

Of course, there are a plethora of explicit feedback mechanisms available. Implicit criticism, on the other hand, is not captured by these instruments.

We don’t get suggestions like “I think you should switch this section X of your software to the starting menu in your dashboard to improve your visibility.”

You shouldn’t use “I think you should move this section X of your software to the starting menu in your dashboard to increase your visibility.”

Instead, we get questions like “How do I get to section X?” and “Do you don’t have the X feature?”

We compile commonly asked questions and use them to improve the usability of our content.


11. Converting visitors into customers

Over time, software continues to get more sophisticated. The app’s usability won’t suffer if you do it correctly, but software systems, in general, provide a growing number of features.

Comparing SaaS rivals is a massive and flashy challenge from the user’s perspective because of the vast number of features.

Each solution has many options, including the same elements under different names, different parts under the same terms, and different components that solve the same need. It’s difficult to compare them.

SaaS services take advantage of this by enticing travelers to “check it out” through a low-barrier trial duration (like the 14-day no-credit-card required trial we offer at Userlike).

While this is a good practice, the challenge is that almost every provider does something similar. Trying out all of the options is not less time-consuming from the user’s viewpoint. Smart consumers want to know if the answer will meet their needs before testing it out.

That’s when a live chat comes into play. Providers will adapt their deal to the needs of the visitor using live chat.

You can listen to and answer the visitor’s pain points by asking them questions like “What is your business?” “What is your motivation for using this solution?

There typically have three categories of customers:

  • The client who wishes to increase his conversion rate
  • The client who needs to improve his consumers’ satisfaction levels.
  • The client who needs to save money on service by diverting attention away from email and hotlines.

It’s usually a mix of these factors, so you get the picture. We show the functionality necessary for those particular needs until we’ve discovered the visitor’s critical reasons for searching for a tech solution.

When working with a price-sensitive client, live chat can be a valuable tool.

Consider a prospective customer that complains because your competitor’s product is less expensive. He doesn’t need the additional functionality you have to support the premium price.

“Are you unsure because competitor X is $3 less expensive?” I’ve got a $4 savings card for you, don’t tell anybody I gave it to you ;)”.



Live chat app is no longer optional if you choose to excel in business today. Your consumers expect quick and immediate assistance as they go through the purchasing process.

The good news is that only a tiny percentage of companies use live chat, making it much easier for you to stand out from the crowd.

You can connect with your consumers in their preferred channel and have an unforgettable experience using live chat.

If it isn’t enough to get you to use live chat, you’ll still save money on help while the average order size and overall revenue.

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