Outbound email marketing is a marketing technique in which a sales representative or business developer sends an email to anyone identified as a potential customer.

Outbound email marketing allows businesses to initiate conversations with potential customers and spread their message to a larger audience. This technique requires that businesses reach out to potential customers directly to start a relationship.

In comparison to inbound email marketing, whereby customers opt-in to receive email content with the choice to opt-out, outbound email marketing spreads your message to individuals who have not yet interacted with your business. When approached with tact and poise, outbound email marketing can be an incredibly efficient tool to scale your business!

» MORE: How Effective Is Email Marketing?

Why Outbound Email Marketing? 

“In 2020 alone, approximately 306 billion emails were sent and received every day worldwide.” 

Every day, billions of emails are sent and received. Even with the rise of social media, email is still the all-star player for communication. With over 90% of customers checking their inboxes daily and mobile access, an email is a powerful tool that you can use to access potential customers. 

Outbound email marketing is more stable than social media lists. Compared to social media lists which can be volatile, you have full control over your email list as a business. This contrasts with social media apps which have the power to remove potential leads

  • Strong conversion

When approached with the proper tone, potential customers reached with outbound email will convert to true sales. As a result, these customers spend on average over 100% more money than customers who did not receive email offers.

  • Low cost

Email marketing requires little financial investment in comparison to the potential financial payoff. 

» MORE: Best Email Marketing Software for Good Conversion Rates

Best Practices for Outbound Email Marketing 

To thrive in outbound email marketing, we need to understand the best practices to avoid common pitfalls.

First off, avoid purchasing email lists as these are not acceptable. Instead, the key to thriving with outbound email marketing lies in the subtleties of your interactions. With so many customers feeling bombarded with messages and advertisements, your tone and approach will be the determining factor that sets your outbound emails apart.

Second, make use of power words. You might be wondering, what are power words? You can use ‘power words’ in your outbound emails to improve the impression left on potential customers.

But what is the key to the successful use of power words? Again this comes back to subtlety, a trend that pops up again and again here. Less is more when it comes to power words. Too many, and you leave a customer feeling bombarded, but not enough, and the reader isn’t left with a lasting impression of your business.

Pitfalls to Avoid 

Okay, so you’re ready to implement outbound email marketing but first, let us learn from others’ mistakes so we avoid making them ourselves!

All jokes aside, more than anything, our goals are for your business message to be accepted by your potential customers, avoid the spam pit, and increase the radius in which your message is spread. 

Common Mistakes in Outbound Email Marketing 

  • Typos and misspellings due to poor editing 
  • Vague language. Ensure that you are writing in an active rather than passive voice.
  • Over or underuse of power words. Examples of power words include free, results, immediate, now, guarantee, or save. 
  • ALL CAPS. Potential customers want to feel a sense of autonomy in their decisions. Using all capital letters in your emails reads as if the customer is being yelled at which is never pleasant. 
  • Never purchase email lists, this will result in your emails being sent to spam. 

» MORE: How to Do Email Marketing

Methods of Outbound Email Marketing 

  1. Multi-Touch Sequences
  2. Cadences

#1 Multi-Touch Sequences 

This refers to the sales idea that the more “touches” or methods in which a customer is contacted will ultimately lead to more sales opportunities. Regarding outbound email marketing, automation will be your best friend! 

#2 Cadences 

This refers to the pattern of your emails, spacing between them, and length of each. Cadence also takes into account time of day. For example, if your customer base is primarily on the east coast, it would be silly to send them emails while they are asleep.

So, it’s important to know your audience and capitalize on that. Send email strategically with content that excites potential customers to convert outbound email marketing to sales. 

» MORE: How To Start With Email Marketing In 10 Easy Steps

How to Succeed with Outbound Email Marketing 

Automate Outbound Email Marketing 

Automating outbound email marketing improves efficiency, increases engagement with potential customers, and allows you to streamline your cadences and multi-touch sequences. For example, your initial email might introduce your business, who you are, what you believe in, and the product or service you offer.

Your second email, automated with proper cadence, could include a video of your CEO discussing your business and what it has to offer. So now, not only have you increased efficiency, but you are maximizing touchpoints, increasing the likelihood of sales.

Email automation allows potential customers to interact with you through multiple modalities, which includes text and video content. 

» MORE: How Much Does an Email Marketing Campaign Cost?

Calls to Action (CTA) 

A call to action or a CTA is a term used in marketing for any prompt whose function is to encourage immediate sales. Calls to action can be incorporated into your automated emails. 

Software Tools to Help You Implement Outbound Email Marketing 

  • Right Inbox: Key features include email tracking, email sequences, email templates, and mailbox merge.

Simple email templates make this a great option for beginners and start-up businesses. Right inbox also offers a “send later” feature, which is helpful when timing cadences based on time zones. This software also includes a chrome extension and has over 10 features. 

  • Close: A simple platform that allows for efficient and quick scaling of sales teams. 

Email templates are customizable, automated email sequences, preloaded templates, and advanced tracking. In addition, communication is in a single location. So, communication is automatically tracked without any data input. 

  • Reply: This software allows you to test X or Y email sequences to determine which format or template is most effective.

X/Y testing increases sales conversion, and preloaded templates can be automatically filled with the necessary information by the software. Communication is automatically tracked without manual data entry. Detailed analytics and the ability to test email sequences increase sales conversion. You also can personalize emails at scale with this software.

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